Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Practice Schedule For End-of-year Holidays

The end-of-year holidays is extremely crucial for the build-up to SYF 2008. I urge students to attend practices consistently and take training seriously. Remember, we're going for GOLD!

Below, please find the schedule for our holiday practices.

Training Schedule For SYF 2008 Participants

Training Schedule For Members Not In SYF 2008

Please also pay special attention to the holiday day-camp on 28/12/07. The camp promises fun-filled activities specially organized and coordinated by the teachers-in-charge.

See you there!


Anonymous said...


alexang said...


SPS Chinese Orchestra said...

有的,明天将会排练 Prize Giving Ceremony 当天需要演奏的歌曲。星期三和星期四也会有彩排。See you there!